People often say that you see your entire life flashing in front of your eyes when you have a “Near Death experience”. You see your parents, close family members, friends, loved ones, and all the great memories that you have had with them over the years, come flashing like it was all happening again. You see some unsorted feuds, some unfinished businesses, some unexplored places and so many things that you thought you would do before you die. You keep on seeing all these beautiful memories as you slowly make your way towards your doom.
But that did not happen to me. In fact, my experience was entirely different. A year from now, I was struck by a major road accident and there was a moment when I was sitting in the middle of the road, waiting for an 8500 kgs bus to hit me as it came towards me. For a moment, I felt like I had the superpowers of Amenadiel (From Lucifer) for making the time run slowly or literally stopping it for a moment and of Dr. Strange to think of all the possible scenarios to escape as much damage as I could. I hardly had 4-5 seconds to think of an escape plan and this is what my mind came up with.
Scenario 1: - If I try to get up and jump out of the way.
But I immediately dropped that idea, because of the first crash when I fell onto the ground, my body was bruised, and I did not have enough time to get up and jump out of the way. And you can imagine how wrong it could have been if I was struck by the bus in-standing position.
Scenario 2: - If I lay down on the ground.
But then I had to drop that idea too as I was wearing a helmet and my head would have crushed under the bus as the bus passed over me.
After imagining all the scenarios, I knew that I must bear the impact in the sitting position. And then came the next scenario.
Scenario 3: - Sit back and chillaxxxx.
So, as I was sitting there, my back was facing the bus and it would have been the first point of contact. And I thought if an 8500 kgs bus, strikes me on my back it will immediately and permanently crush it and I will be as good as a dead man. And from that came the best and the final scenario.
Scenario 3.1: - The Finale.
Then I thought, if I pull my arms back then maybe, maybe I’ll survive the impact, and then I’ll try to keep my balance while I let the bus drag me forth.
I immediately pulled both of my arms back and as I was sitting a little towards my left, the bus struck me on my left arm first and pushed me towards my right. And then it started to drag me forth with tremendous force. My right arm was continuously on the ground and as the bus dragged me forward, the only thing going through my mind was not to lose my balance and try to save myself from going under the humungous tires of that bus. The bus dragged me forward for somewhere around 10-15 meters and then it finally stopped. By the time I was almost under the bus, in a position where only my head and toes were outside, and the rest of the body was down under. I somehow managed to pull myself out and stood up. I saw my right arm first which was badly bruised, and blood was dripping from all over it. But somewhere at that moment, I knew that if I am standing on my feet right now, that means I haven’t hurt my back and legs and that was a good sign. There were people all around me, saying things like it was such a narrow escape, and we did not think he would survive it. Then I unlocked the protection strings of my helmet and pulled it off my head trying to catch a breath. My entire body was shaking, and my heart was pounding. Then the bus driver came out and we had a little pleasant exchange of words. While we were having that lovely discussion, I realized that my heart is pounding faster and

it felt like it was not in my chest anymore, but it has shifted to my left arm. I tried to move my left arm, but it was not responding to my commands. I picked it up with my right hand straight up for 2-3 seconds and then I dropped it and it fell like a dead snake and turned upside down. I readjusted my arm and noticed that the lady standing next to me had fainted after seeing the rubber boy’s performance LOL.
Later that day I got to know that I have conceived multiple bone fractures on my left arm and savior scratches and burns on my right. But somewhere I knew that I may have escaped death due to my critical thinking and “Die Another Day” kind of attitude.
You cannot give up on life, you cannot lose hope and there is always a way out from the hardest of the situation. You just have to keep your hopes high, and your mind clear, it will automatically think of the best solution. Your brain will only show you the things that you want to see at that moment. If you want to see some good old memories, it will show you that and you will die remembering them. But if you want to survive, it will always come up with the best solution. You just have to have the willpower, the attitude, and the survival instinct. The brain is the most powerful weapon that we humans have. Use it wisely and do not let it run your thought process. Use your willpower to run it. If for a moment I had stopped thinking of an escape, I may have not survived this accident.